Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp. 1. Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp

 1Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp 04% (reference

hi guys good day to all of you. In the US, that translates to a maximum of a 1% chance, and more likely 1 chance in 1,000. Hi guys, I know receiving oral sex is actually no risk because it's not proven yet nor anyone has ever documented catching it from receiving oral sex. Can you get HIV through oral sex? Is it possible? Transmission Risks Risk reduction Early symptoms Testing FAQs Summary The chances of transmitting HIV through oral sex. So, the only documented and proven cases of transmission involved unprotected vaginal or anal or sharing IV needles. Saliva samples were collected from 25 HIV negative gay/bisexual men with positive male partners and from 22 low-risk HIV negative healthy male control subjects; 21 of the 25 HIV-exposed but. 2) sharing intravenous needles. The only risks for HIV in adults are: 1) Having unprotected anal or vaginal sex, or. D. And for HSV-1, if you ever had a past infection with HSV-1 (as. DR. "As far as HIV is concerned, there is no known risk of getting HIV from performing oral sex on an infected partner, even if that person's genital secretions get into your eyes or if you swallow" DR HOOK. You shouldn't worry about any other STDs either from this exposure. 1. It doesn't matter if you and they were actively bleeding or had cuts at the time either because the HIV is effectively dead. Perhaps not totally risk free, but an estimate from CDC is that if the oral partner has HIV, the transmission risk to the penile partner in fellatio is around 1 in 20,000. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor. HIV is instantly inactivated in air and also instantly in saliva which means it is effectively dead so it can't infect from oral sex. (negative) the test was paper immuno. here's a new quote from DR HOOK / MEDHELP: As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. Expert HIV physicians Drs. D. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. Forums > HIV - Prevention > Oral Sex Risk. For STIs that require penetration for transmission to occur (like HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia) if a condom is worn throughout sex, then protection is very close to 100%. In other words, zero. Hey forum, After some researching, I've become confused about the risk from receiving a blow job. MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Three days ago, however, I made a stupid mistake and had unprotected oral sex with an escort. Edward W Hook, MD. LIZZIE LOU. HIV does not spread via saliva = spit. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. Thats what I heard from reading and talking to doctors in my appointments. However, from your experience, you would be at most risk for gonorrhea and NGU (you can be tested for these at this time - symptoms (discharge) would have shown up by now. mojo1211. So, this is no risk at all and you don't need to test. The question is if one believe that just receiving oral is the safest practice there is for unprotected contact case for the time being (hiv), can it be correct? Since it is considered no risk at all. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. The symptoms that you describe, burning on. No one has ever gotten HIV in a proven, documented case in the history of HIV. Read on to find out what they are and. HIV is effectively instantly dead in air plus also dead in saliva, and the person`s mouth always has those 2 hiv killers in it protecting the negative person from getting hiv via oral activities. Having said that, the risk of a person with a vagina passing HIV to a person with a penis during insertive sex is much lower than the reverse. HANDSFIELD. The risk of getting HIV through oral sex is low, but not non-existent, when a person with HIV does not have fully suppressed viral load. Aa. Main routes for HIV transmission are as follows. sharing needles that you inject with. I guess this. But even if there were some measurable risk, of course doing it with a condom reduces the risk to zero. HIV has also been found in. There is little to no risk of getting or transmitting HIV from oral sex. The first calcualtion comes to 0. It obviously wasn't. this got me worried and get a HIV test after 4 weeks 27 days. We disclaim all responsibility. EWH ". The clear implication is that. i just like to know about my risk of having hiv. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. Hi everyone. 3. I been feeling very sick. Receiving oral sex is undoubtedly not a risk for HIV transmission. . unprotected penetrating vaginal with a penis. Oral sex has never proven to be anything more than a theoretical risk in such instances and NO ONE has ever gotten HIV from oral sex in all the years they've been studying it. Condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), like gonorrhea and chlamydia. Theoretically, transmission of HIV is possible if an HIV-positive man ejaculates in his partner’s mouth during oral sex. Most case reports concern receptive fellatio (‘doing it’) rather than insertive fellatio or cunnilingus. I assume this is still accurate I have a few questions. info is giving wrong information regarding to oral sex because they do not know the difference between giving oral sex and receiving oral sex. 5) Any different in your answer if the lady has small cuts. grace. Nothing you describe was a risk for HIV. HIV is instantly inactivated in saliva and also in air. As for HIV, your Dr. Fter 3 days of using the cream, I started to. There are a few reported cases in which HIV MAY have been acquired as the result of performing (not receiving) oral sex as fellatio and there MAY be one or two cases which were acquired through performance of oral sex as cunnilingus on an infected person. Please educate yourself about the real risks. The chance that you will get HIV from receiving oral sex -- that means a partner's mouth is on your genitals -- is very low compared to unprotected vaginal or anal sex. receiving oral sex-worried. Of the bacterial STDs only gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) are transmitted through oral sex; neither HIV or chlamydia is not and without an obvious sore or lesion on your partner’s mouth, the. Hunter Handsfield answered. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Again, this is a low risk. The exposure you describe is essentially zero risk for all STDs including HIV. There maybe a few (fewer than 5) who may have been infected by. 2. If you have a regular partner you. So your chance of acquiring HIV from a single such exposure can be calculated as 0. The quoted, theoretical figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. unprotected penetrating vaginal with a penis 2. There is very little risk of getting HIV from giving oral sex, but having cuts or sores in your mouth, gum disease, having an STI in your throat, or recent dental work increases. Both air and saliva are involved in receiving oral sex, and yes, it is still NOT a risk if she had cuts in her mouth. In response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended reducing the prevalence of gonorrhea as a key strategy to. Getting blood on the outside of a condom, or even on the skin of the penis, isn't a risk for HIV. The only risks haven't changed, having unprotected vaginal or anal sex or sharing IV drug needles to inject drugs. As I said you have to ask for gonorrhea and chlymida tests. So, NO worries there about. 1. unprotected penetrating anal sex with a penis. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. H. However,there is disagreement between the scientist about the low risk and zero risk. 2 Responses Sort by: Helpful Oldest Newest. hi guys, I am 34yo male, I did the dumbest thing in my life. Close Receiving oral from risky person Henry1991. Answer Question. Please educate yourself about the real risks. It obviously wasn't. About a week later he said he was diagnosed with ngu. That being said, it is advised that all sexually active people have a regular STD screen that includes HIV. We get frequent questions about STD/HIV risks associated with oral sex. Nope, not through scratches either. Hi there, I am female, and I have had unprotected oral sex with a fairly good male friend whose sexual life, however, is unknown to me. Factors that may affect the risk of getting HIV include:. Here are a few related comments: 1. Saliva probably mix with blood was used as lubricant during handjob, due to rigorous hand force the cuts on penis might have got opened and allowed the hiv virus to enter via cuts or urethra to the blood stream. No, not from a medical perspective. The only way adults get HIV is from unprotected vaginal or anal sex where penetration occurred or sharing IV drug needles. Genital herpes to my knowledge has only been studied in penetration genital sex - not through oral sex. The chance that your partner had HIV is small and even if he did, there is little risk from oral sex. Am I at risk for HIV? Should I get tested for the oral encounter? I am so worried and anxious. It never happens. So, oral sex is not a risk. And you seem to already know that the risk of HIV from oral sex is estimated in the range of 1 in 10,000 for the oral. This, in epidemiological terms, is statistically insignificant. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure,. Communities > HIV Prevention > Can i get get HIV/other STD from receiving oral sex? Please help. can i get hiv if she had hiv this way. The presence of a burn in. We disclaim all responsibility for the. In addition, your recent HIV test is further strong evidence that you did not get HIV- at 4 weeks over 90% of persons with recently acquired HIV infection would have positive. This is probably not the first time you've been told this here at med help but the risks for HIV are if you have unprotected vaginal or anal sex or share IV drug needles. Handsfield nor I have ever seen a convincing case of HIV transmitted through oral sex-. . Oral sex is not a risk for HIV. Even in the unlikely event that her outside oral sex was on a man with HIV, there hasn't been enough time for her to become infectious and to. Risk with oral sex Posted on Jun 3, 2008 ----- Dr. A. Again, frottage is no risk for HIV. please excuse my english. e. Dear Doctors I am a hetrosexual man and have a question regarding receiving unprotected oral sex from a woman. Giving and receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV as air and saliva inactivate the virus. Read on to find out what. Not one single case in the entire history of HIV. You will not acquire HIV through being sucked. Multitude individuals give oral sex with bleeding gums, and do not get infected with HIV. But it does have some risks for other STDs. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. Are you using any creams or taking any medications? Helpful - 2. The only risks for HIV are to have unprotected vaginal or anal sex or share IV drug (injectable) needles. The massager suddently lick my penis for like 10 seconds and then put it in her mouth for like 10 seconds. A. A lot of people worry about oral sex but the data doesn't support this fear. , sucking or licking) to the penis, the vagina, and/or the anus. The presence of a burn in. D. You had NO RISK for HIV and you do not need to test. So it isn't oral sex in general that is low risk, but cunnilingus in particular. The three main STDs from oral sex are gonorrhea, nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), and herpes due to HSV-1. The risk is so low that almost nobody who cares for HIV infected patients has ever had a patient believed to have been infected that way. So about a a year ago (more or less) i received an unprotected blowjob at a massage parlor. Close Can i get get HIV/other STD from receiving oral sex? Please help Desperatelyundeserving. But as I have said repeatedly on this board, get tested for HIV if you are nervous. In July I received protected Oral sex from hooker I tested at 6 Weeks hiv and other STD’s were negative however I had flu like symptoms at about 7-8 weeks after the incident should I retest or my 6 wee. Not for HSV-2, which is rarely carried in the mouth. You are at some, albeit low, risk for the more common STDs, particularly those associated with oral sex such as gonorrhea. Few STDs are transmitted by oral sex and condoms are highly effective for prevention. Essentially zero. Learn the right way to use an external condom (sometimes called a male condom) and an internal condom (sometimes. Helpful - 0. Actual things in the BJ: After a night of heavy drinking we went to this FKK place in berlin called Artemis. You are safe so should move on from hiv fears. Hook. Communities > HIV Prevention > HIV / STD By receiving oral sex from sex worker first time. There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. There is no other activity you could think of, including the event you mentioned, that would put you at risk for HIV. Perhaps there was an. HIV is not spread by oral sex, giving or receiving, even if sores, gum disease or blood is present. The CDC states a theroritical risk. 3. Maybe if the escort was the one with the gum issue and performed pral on you your risk might have been very slight. HIV has never been known to be transmitted by cunnilingus, in either direction. Please educate yourself about the real risks. In daily situations, there is no risk of getting infected with HIV. Don't think you're going to be the first one. " Dr. Close HIV / STD By receiving oral sex from sex worker first time Sadguy00. 2. I'm specifially interested in male-male. Air and saliva both inactivate the virus. 7) Hand jobs, with or without cuts present. Also search the forum for other information about the fact that symptoms never are a reliable indicator that someone has a new HIV infection; only testing counts (search for "ARS symptoms" and. There have been claims here and there, but sometimes there is reason to question the truth of statements about lack of other exposures. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. You were not at risk for NGU. 3. Consumption of semen is not the right route to HIV transmission. Helpful - 1.